Do you influence the careers of others? Positively and effectively? Would you like to do that? Do you work in HR? Are you a recruiter? A coach? Maybe you already have your own career counseling practice and want to improve your effectiveness? Do you have at least 7 years of professional experience? You’ve come to the right place!
At Career Angels, over the course of 14 years operating in Europe, we have developed a proprietary methodology for planning and managing careers and navigating the job market. We are happy to share our knowledge with the aim of improving the quality of services provided in the market: since 2018 we have delivered 8 open editions of the “Career Consultant” course, and as of 2021, 6 in-house trainings for HR departments. In total, we have trained more than 180 professionals. For the past 3 years, we have been organizing our postgraduate degree “Career Advisory in practice” – based on this very course.
Who has participated so far?
So far, we’ve had many satisfied participants, including:
- recruiters, headhunters, and Executive Search consultants with 7-25 years of experience
- coaches who wanted to expand their offer
- people from HR departments who wanted to better support their employees
- consultants, advisors, or career coaches, both with experience and at the beginning of their careers
We’ve asked our participants and that’s what they had to say:
Do the test – only 9 short questions!
“What you do is based on unique know-how (data + experience), reliability, honesty, transparency, authenticity, and professionalism.”
“During 4 modules, I learned more than during a year of studies on a similar subject!”
“For me, sharing your examples was the greatest value.”
“Advisors usually focus only on outlining the career path, your course goes a step further.”
“I am glad that I was finally able to “organize” my knowledge. It has strengthened me as a career advisor.”
“The course has confirmed what I have been doing intuitively for years – now I can act with greater confidence.”
“A treasury of knowledge! I did not think that I would learn so much, considering that I have been in HR for over 10 years!”
“The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot… it’s a pity that I didn’t decide to do this course earlier. I should have done the extra training much earlier to support the employees in outplacement programs.”
“The course helped me to build my commercial offer much better and more accurately!”
Sounds interesting? You currently have two opportunities in the area of “Career Advisory”:
[Note: We can also run the in-house course for your organization.]
The course consists of 4 modules:
Course modules
First module:
→ Types of clients
→ Communication styles (your own and your clients’)
→ Diagnosis of client needs & recommendations on how to work with them
Second module:
→ Working with clients who have unclear career goals
→ Tools and exercises for working with this client category: Parameter Bidding, Adapted Wheel of Life, Career Management Science, tests and other tools
→ Career Consultant Competencies
Third module:
→ Working with clients who have a clear career goal
→ Tools and exercises for working with this client category: Personal Branding, Coaching / Advisory sessions
→ 3 of 4 Steps of Effective Job Hunting, incl. CV, ATS CV, LinkedIn (incl. algorithm)
Fourth module:
→ Maneuvering the job market: the four channels (direct approach, networking, headhunters, job ads)
→ Market trends and how they affect Career Consultants
→ Interview Preparation
→ Job Crafting
Each participant will receive a confirmation of their participation in the 4 modules of the course.
If you are interested in an in-house course or would like to receive dates for our course in English, please contact us at | Subject: Career Consultant Course
The course is also organized in Polish:
- After finishing the 4-module course, it will be possible to go forward with a paid oral and written exam, the completion of which will guarantee a certificate, validating the knowledge acquired during the course.
- If after 4 modules, you would like to explore our methodology even further and learn even more about its practical application, you can enroll in the postgraduate studies (2 semesters, 11 weekends) at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School. Thanks to the cooperation with the university, your tuition fee will be reduced by the net amount already paid for the course at Career Angels!
These post-graduate studies have been designed to meet the needs of the market. Knowledge in the field of Career Advisory is often improperly reduced to “CV formatting” and associated only with career counselling, but there is so much more to it: knowledge about market trends, understanding how technology works, diagnosis of competencies and designing career paths – and these are just a few examples!
The main goal of the study program is to educate specialists highly valued on the market, who have the necessary skills to properly and effectively provide career counseling services and to manage the development and change of client’s or employee’s career path within the organization.
Course assets:
#1 The program is based on a proven methodology
The program is based on “real-life case studies”, statistics and scientific research
#2 Workshops
Varied format of classes – lectures, exercises in groups and individually, work with your own client(s), discussions
#3 Case studies
Discussing real-life cases
#4 Practical tools and tests
Advantages and disadvantages of tests, tools and models to assess clients
#5 Lecturers – practitioners
Practitioners with at least 15 years of experience in HR, recruitment and career consulting
#6 Interesting facts and market trends
Technology on the job market: AI in job interviews, bots in recruitment, ATS
#7 Diagnosis and branding
Diagnosing one’s own predispositions and career path, building own personal brand
#8 Online format
Convenient online format that gives you the opportunity to mirror the most common working conditions with your clients
Check out the details of the program: