Series of webinars Your first name(Required) Your last name(Required) Your email address(Required) Which materials would you like to receive? (Select min. 1) Managing the Perfect Career Storm (15.03.2022) Engagement for Retention & Performance (05.04.2022) Make talent love, not war (25.05.2022) Hire Competencies, Not CVs (01.09.2022) Hack & Attract Candidate Personas (22.11.2022) How much can you really learn about candidates? (21.09.2023) Processing of personal dataDo you agree to the processing of your personal data contained in this form by us: Troaching Institute Bichl Sandra / Career Angels, with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. Grochowska 166/48, for the purpose of providing "Series of webinars"?(Required) Yes No Do you agree to the processing of your personal data contained in this form by us: Decision Dynamics AB, with its registered office in Lund, IDEON Science Park, for the purpose of providing "Series of webinars"?(Required) Yes No Do you agree to receive a presentation and a video recording of the webinar by e-mail – the materials may contain marketing content? Note: If you click No, we will NOT be able to share the aforementioned materials with you. Remember: you can change your consent to data processing at any time!(Required) Yes No The Information Clause(Required) I confirm that I have read the content of the information clause. Please refer to the Information Clause at the following link: