W ostatnich latach współpracowaliśmy z programami G/E/MBA i ich studentami i/lub absolwentami na uczelniach takich, jak:
- WU Executive Academy (Wiedeń, Austria / Bukareszt, Rumunia)
- Vlerick Business School (Gandawa & Bruksela, Belgia)
- Szkoła Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej (Warszawa, Polska)
- POLIMI (former MIP) Graduate School of Management (Mediolan, Włochy)
- The Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (Ryga, Łotwa)
- Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego (Warszawa, Polska)
- SBS Swiss Business School (Zurych, Szwajcaria)
- Mannheim Business School (Mannheim, Niemcy)
- … wymieniając tylko kilka.
Dodatkowo, nasi dotychczasowi klienci uzyskali swoje dyplomy G/E/MBA w renomowanych Szkołach Biznesu, które zajmują wysokie miejsca w rankingach Financial Times, takich jak ESSEC Business School, INSEAD, SDA Bocconi, TRIUM czy IE Business School.
Opcje współpracy: od czasu do czasu lub regularnie.
Możliwe formy:
Przykładowe zagadnienia:
… słowem: wszystko, co tylko dotyczy zarządzania karierą i poszukiwania pracy.
Setki referencji i podziękowań od uczestników świadczą o tym, jak wdzięczni byli oni za trafne, efektywne porady oraz nasze doświadczenie oparte na danych i KPIs.
Wybrane referencje
Thanks so much for your impressive webinar. It’s been the most complete and interesting among all the ones the business school has organized so far.
My congratulations for the lecture yesterday: as I wrote in the chat, it was super cool and I really felt the passion you put in your job. Have a good day and thanks for all!
My congrats for the wonderful insight provided during the workshop. I loved it!
I participated in your webinar […]. First of all, as already I mentioned in the chat that day, thank you very much for your approach and your job during the workshop webinar. I really enjoyed your passion and commitment. It is not just about the hard skills, even during the daily normal working activity, it is vital to find people with passion, and since probably I do miss too much that aspect in my actual position, when I can see that “sparkling light”, I want to highlight that and to thank the person. So thank you very much!
I would really like to thank you for the lecture we had, it has been very useful. First of all, it helped me to improve my CV but also to better understand how to approach job searching.
Thank you once again for the very inspiring and motivating session you offered yesterday. I literally loved it!
[MD with 17 yrs of experience about the bootcamp] This was GREAT! I would recommend the bootcamp to everyone! From current MBA students to top managers:
– to reflect on your priorities in your (professional) life, on your current job, possible internal changes / promotions, external career steps etc.
– to know how to prepare a perfect CV, LinkedIn profile
My take-aways & insights:
– Take your time and ask for professional support if you plan changes in your career – you might find out that the current job can be the best available at the moment!
– Think how to “sell yourself” – recruiters have very limited time to read your CV – prepare your personal branding!
– Getting the perfect available job is hard work. You need a detailed strategy of how to achieve it! This includes an outstanding CV (key messages on the first half page and artificial intelligence keywords at the end), a professional LinkedIn profile, contacting proper headhunters/decision makers etc. – the career bootcamp offered great insights on how to do it. If you can, join the bootcamp!
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